10th MAY 2012 Euro & AUD Daily Reports

Euro Weekly and Daily range

As per yestrday's report...a breakout of support is likely to extend down into Thursday's lows.

Whilst the Weekly & monthly lows is likely to form resistance today.

trend guide 12 hour 50% level @ 11am

AUD Weekly and Daily cycles

AUD continues to sell down this week, and is now below the Yearly 50% level @ 1.0222.

and it's below the MAY lows, which means it can extend towards new lows in June.

There is no way of knowing at this stage how far the Aussie dollar will go until the month of MAY ends and provides a road may for June...

but the Yearly lows could be an attraction zone :- 93.76 (91.76)

Weekly lows Resistance

  • All Daily forex reports are written before 11.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately Midnight GMT

  • Exact levels shown for current day aren't confirmed until midnight GMT