GBP and Euro 3-day patterns (15:40)
Expectation forex markets are rising from the breakout of Thursday's highs, and ideally I would want to see GMT time from 15:00 begin to kick higher...
some patterns didn't play out precisely but all patterns are rising up from precise R41 pip lows, which is what I wanted to see happen...
Euro hasn't aligned perfectly so it's far riskier, GBP yes....

AUD rising but the R41 pip low didn't align with the breakout and the brown filter, and my system went short, but wasn't part of a 'short' pattern trade
on sidelines...

I didn't update my GBP charts this morning so my levels were out...
Once I updated the charts the missing data filled, and price is actually below the filter....
Exit GBP to be neutral:- no positions...
Only holding EURO looking for 41 pip and hold pattern
Entry 1.4872 (Stops 1.4860)
Next Forex reports tomorrow....