AUD Daily and 3-day pattern
UP move during US trading hours and currencies look to be rotating upwards into Friday.
The ideal pattern would be for prices to come down and retest the brown filters confirmed after 11am and then continue higher towards the 5-day 50% level (3-day filter).
Note:- If prices continue upwards on Friday without testing the filters, then there could be a push down into these levels from the 3-day filter.
High Risk shorting above the 3-day filter.
Looks to be rotating back into the Weekly lows:- resistance
Ideal pattern would be a test of blue filter:- 3-day midpoint.
And then move upwards.
If price continues upward early on Friday, then there is an expectation that price could rotate back down into these levels:- 5-day 50% level random resistance.
- All Daily forex reports are written before 9.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately 3 hours before Midnight GMT