Bias is the push down towards March lows, but there isn't any probability pattern early on Monday.
3-day filter random resistance @ 6402-09...
trade on the side of the blue filter@ .6348 and look for 4 hour pattern ranges.
Monday's lows random support:- don't trade longs below the 5-day lows on Monday.

Bias is the push down towards March lows, but there isn't any probability pattern early on Monday.
3-day filter resistance, trade on the side of the blue filter @ 1.2604, and look for 4 hour pattern ranges.
5-day 50% level random resistance over a 4 hour period
Monday's lows random support:- don't trade longs below the 5-day lows on Monday.
Weekly Lows random support

3- day filter and 5-day 50% level resistance
Monday's 5-day lows and Weekly lows random support