28th MAY 2009 AUD, EUR, GBP/USD

AUD Weekly and 5-day pattern

Wednesday reversal down, but as pointed out in Yesterday's report, it wasn't a high probability pattern on the 3rd day.

Thursday:- Trading below the 5-day 50% level, and there can be a push down into support around the Weekly 50% levels and Thursday's lows.

If it hits Thursday's lows I would look for rotation up on Friday.

5-day 50% level & 3-day filter random resistance

Euro Weekly and 5-day pattern

Pushing down into Support around the Weekly 50% levels.

If Thursday moves up early then I would look for the same 4 hour resistance patterns around Yellow resistance.

Don't short trade above the 5-day 50% level.

GBP Weekly and 3-day pattern.

no probability pattern at this stage.

Below the 5-day 50% level would attract some sellers down into 1.5777

  • All Daily forex reports are written before 11.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately Midnight GMT
  • Exact levels shown for current day aren't confirmed until midnight GMT
