18th June 2009 AUD & EUR Daily

AUD Weekly and 5-day pattern

AUD still remains supported around the 5-Week 50% level, but it being influenced by the 3-day filter this week.

And the same applies on Thursday...

Trade on the side of the 3-day filter: yellow

Euro Weekly and 5-day pattern

Above the Yellow and above the 5-day 50% level will probably see a move back towards the 5-day highs:- 85 pips up.

Below the red 3-day filter along with a higher daily open and sell down from the 5-day 50% level, will see a move down into Thursday's lows (5-day)

  • All Daily forex reports are written before 11.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately Midnight GMT

  • Exact levels shown for current day aren't confirmed until midnight GMT
