AUD Monthly and Weekly.
MAY high breakout, expectation price is moving up into the JUNE highs.
This week set-up was based on an early push down into the Weekly 50% level, and then higher prices, as they go look for JUNE highs.
Next week is about how prices react to the JUNE highs, and whether currencies begin to rotate back down towards the July 50% levels, and go look to retest the MAY high breakout over the next 2 –months.
Weekly 50% level is the Support and Trend guide

EURO Monthly and Weekly.
As pattern as AUD, and same expectation as the AUD over the next couple of weeks.
Weekly 50% level the trend guide, with the expectation price is moving towards June highs
But we need to keep in mind that the Euro is struggling to remain above the Yearly 50% level at this stage, and we could end up in a tight sideways pattern over the next couple of weeks until the 3rd Quarter begins.

Euro 5-day pattern
If the Euro or AUD remain in a tight sideways pattern supported above the Weekly 50% level, then over the next couple of weeks there will be a number of daily patterns that rotate up and down within the 5-day range.
And the 3-day filters should be used accordingly:- 4 hour patterns and 41-85 pip ranges.