USD index support off the September lows and rising up from a lower Weekly open.
First target is the Weekly 50% level, with a potential move back towards the Monthly 50% level after a double monthly lows pattern in this Quarter.
If this goes UP, then currencies go down.

AUD Weekly & Euro Weekly
As per Weekly report, I'm more interested in AUD going down because of the Monthly and Quarterly patterns, whereas the Euro looks to be going higher.
At this stage there is a view of a 2-day pullback into support.......
As per Weekly report, any reversal down is going to be dictated by the 3-day filter...
Along with the Spiral filter.
At this stage whilst below the pink it's going down into the 50% level.
Euro 5-day pattern and spiral filter...
Monday is simply trading on the side of the pink & red filter...
And at this stage it below both...