11 FEB 2010 USD AUD, Euro Daily

USD Index Monthly and Weekly

This week's expectation (Weekly Report) was a 2-day reversal down with the possibility of price moving back towards the highs.

This is either going to double top on Thursday (5-day highs and matching February top) , along with the Yearly 50% level and move back down....

Note:- also the 'dropping' of the following week highs, which often favours weakness this week.

Or because of the January closing price (breakout of the January highs and trading above the 3-Quarter 50% level) (Friday close above) & then continues higher next week.

AUD Weekly and 5-day pattern

Based on the price action in the AUD, there isn't a probability pattern for Thursday....

Support Thursday's lows.

Euro Weekly and 5-day pattern

No probability pattern on Thursday.

5-day 50% level and Yellow filter's trend guides.

  • All Daily forex reports are written before 11.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately Midnight GMT
  • Exact levels shown for current day aren't confirmed until midnight GMT
