2nd August 2011 (USD, Euro, AUD) Daily

USD Index (Primary and Monthly)

Yearly lows in the US Dollar index along with a lower Montlhy open is currently supporting the USD dollar...

whilst the Monthly 50% level is stalling the trend from rising...

My view is that the trend is continuing lower, but after yesterday's price action in the Dollar index and currencies, I'm not so sure

Euro Weekly and daily

My view was that the Euro would continue higher, this was helped by the 11am levels supporting the trend, but that changed in the 2nd 12 hour range...

Based on the price action being rejected down, and even though the weekly 50% level is supporting the trend...

I favour the first 12 hours having more weakness from the 11am levels down towards Tuesday's lows.

Tuesday's lows will then be used as random support in the 2nd 12 hour range.
Trend guide 11am levels

AUD Weekly and Daily

My view is that the AUD would continue higher, however the first 12 hour range didn't favour that happening, as noted in yesterday's report

My view is that the AUD will continue upwards...

However, unless the AUD is above the 5-day 50% level  and 11am levels, that might not happen

Therefore the overall trend bias is to continue higher, using the patterns in the higher timeframe cycles...

but it won't surprise me to see the 11am send the AUD down towards Tuesday's lows, and the August 50% level by Wednesday.

  • All Daily forex reports are written before 11.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately Midnight GMT

  • Exact levels shown for current day aren't confirmed until midnight GMT
