AUD Weekly and 3-day pattern 10:00am
The bias for the AUD is continue higher, but at this stage price looks to be moving into a 5-day sideways pattern.
There was no probability pattern on Wednesday, and none on Thursday.

Euro Weekly and 3-day pattern
I'm bullish on the Euro because of certain patterns that have played out this week, as mentioned in yesterday's report.
blue channel support, just need to see a breakout of the 3-day filter and HOOK bar over the January 50% level.
Note: bearish pattern would be to see a higher daily open on Thursday sell down from the January 50% level (3-day filter yellow) and break Thursday's 3-day filter support (blue).
That could result in a complete change of view from last Week's Weekly report

GBP Weekly and 3-day pattern
GBP hasn't followed my view of weakness in January, but I already had an idea basd on Tuesday's 3-day breakout.
Wednesday continued higher, and there is another breakout on Wednesday.
Thursday:- blue filter support up into Thursday's highs/
- All Daily forex reports are written before 9.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately 3 hours before Midnight GMT