AUD has moved down into the Weekly BP (Thursday's lows) and bounced.
My view is the AUD to continue higher, which could result in a higher Friday close nearing the Weekly highs.
Friday:- I would think that the 3-day filter could resist price in a 4 hour period, but there is a potential continuation upwards during US trading hours.
Euro is acting in a precise manner with the expectation that next week will continue higher towards January's highs.
Thursday's blue filter support and then the breakout of the 3-day filter high sets up further gains.
If you are long on the Euro I would simply hold it with breakeven stops. (sit back and hold)
Friday:-5-day 50% level the trend guide with the expectation that price will continue higher towards Friday's highs.

Wednesday breakout and expectation that price would continue higher towards Thursday's highs.
Friday:- no probability pattern.
It is either going to continue higher:- higher weekly close means a higher Friday close.....
or it can reverse back down and close in the middle of the 5-day range and above the Monthly BP and the Weekly 50% level.
If that is the case then those levels will be viewed as support for the start of next week's trading.
- All Daily forex reports are written before 9.00am Sydney Time, which is approximately 3 hours before Midnight GMT